Diligent Dingo - Ticker Yahoo Charts

The Dingo can retrieve charts from Yahoo and display the results for the selected ticker.

Section Description
Due Diligence Provides control navigation to all of the DDingo's displays.
This section is available on every display. Yahoo Charts is activated by highlighting the Ticker YH Charts selection.
YH Charts This window lets you select the chart you want to see for the selected ticker. YH Charts provides data broken down by different segments of day, month and year.
Fetch Ticker Charts Click this button to retrieve the charts for the tickers you selected.
Fetch All Tickers Click this button to retrieve the charts for all of your tickers.
Tickers This window will be populated with the tickers for all of the charts you retrieved. Click on the selected on to view charts for that ticker.

Once charts have been retrieved, click the desired chart title to view the loaded chart.