Diligent Dingo - Portfolio Control

The Fetching Control display provides the user with status and control of ticker web resources.

Section Description
Due Diligence Provides control navigation to all of the DDingo's displays.
This section is available on every display. Select the Portfolio Control option from the window.
Ticker Control Provides control to Add, Modify, and Remove tickers researched by the DDingo.

The 'Add' and 'Modify' buttons will cause the 'Add/Modify Ticker Wizard to be displayed.

The "Remove" button will prompt the user to make sure that removal is desired. If the user selects 'Yes' all ticker resources and fetched web pages are deleted from the system.

The 'Go Fetch Now' sub-section provides an on-demand fetching of ticker resources. The user can select one or more configured tickers by checking their selection box in the 'Ticker and Fetching Status' section, then select the resources to fetch, and then click on the 'Start Fetching' button to start the fetching process. The 'Stop Fetching' button can be used to stop the current fetching session.

Ticker and Fetching Status Displays all the currently configured tickers and the current status of fetched messages and news.

Each row contains a check box for selecting the ticker for "Go Fetch Now' fetching and removal

The ticker symbol is displayed followed by a dash '-' and then a single letter identifying the tickers current fetching mode: -r-research, -s-scheduled, -m-monitor, -i-idle.

The monitor mode is then followed by a list of unread messages and news items. The message boards are identified as: YH-Yahoo, MF-Motley Fool, SI-Silicon Investor, RB-Raging Bull.

The news items are fetched from the Yahoo financial web site.
Scheduled Fetching Displays the time of the next scheduled fetch.

The fetching schedule can be viewed by either clicking on the 'Fetch Time" text box, or by the menu bar Options=>Options=>Schedule Fetching

The 'Scheduled Fetching on' checkbox is used to enable and disable the scheduled fetching feature.

The following resources will be fetched when the scheduled fetch time arrives and scheduled fetching is enabled. Only tickers that are configured in research, scheduled, and monitor mode will be fetched, and only the resources configured for a ticker will be fetched for that ticker.

1) All new messages for tickers that are configured in scheduled, and monitor modes.
2) Requested number of message for tickers configured in research mode.
3) All new news available for ticker.
4) Current chart set from the Yahoo finance web site.
5) Current chart set from the Big Chart web site
6) All requested EDGAR filings for tickers in research mode (coming soon)
7) All new EDGAR for tickers in scheduled or monitor mode (coming soon)
8) Ticker research web pages for tickers in research, scheduled, and monitor mode.
9) Market research web pages for overall market information.
10) Portfolio Quotes for tickers in research, scheduled, and monitor mode.

Monitor Fetching Displays the period of the monitor fetching and the time of the next monitor mode fetch.

The monitor mode fetch period can be set to a one minute resolution.

The 'Monitor Fetching on' checkbox is used to enable and disable the monitor fetching feature.

The following resources will be fetched when the scheduled fetch time arrives and scheduled fetching is enabled. Only tickers that are configured in research, scheduled, and monitor mode will be fetched, and only the resources configured for a ticker will be fetched for that ticker.

1) All new messages for tickers that are configured in monitor mode.
2) All new news available for tickers that are configured in monitor mode.