Diligent Dingo Messageboard and News Hound

Options Tab - HTTP Proxy Support.

If your computer connects to the internet through a HTTP proxy server or Firewall, you may need to set the HTTP proxy server address and port number. Specifically, you will need to set the proxy server address and port number for HTTP communications.

The HTTP proxy address can be entered in the numeric IP address format of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (preferred) or using the standard URL format (ex: myproxy.com).

To determine the HTTP proxy address and port number consult your system administrator.  If you already have a web browser installed and working, it is possible to determine if it is connecting to the internet through a proxy server and the current proxy settings.
(Note: the Diligent Dingo requires that the Microsoft IE4 or better web browser is installed)

In Microsoft IE look in:
View => Internet Options => Connection. Reference the ‘Proxy Server’ Section. You may need to view the settings in the ‘Advanced’ dialog. Reference the HTTP service type.

In Netscape Navigator look in:
Edit => Preferences => Advanced => Proxies => Manual Proxy Configuration => View. Reference the HTTP  service type.